Support Us

Good artwork is not cheap. Artists have to eat too! 

We would like to produce many stories for years to come. Specifically, as we publish pages of Fire of the Fifth Sun, two other completely unrelated projects are in the pre-production phase. A science fiction story, and a slice of life with a supernatural twist. Both projects will require high quality artwork that pays the artists fairly for their amazing work.

With that in mind, we would like to use the Value for Value model. This means all content within this website will always be free. You’ll never have to create a user account to access the webcomics, nor pay a subscription. But artists still have to eat, remember? 

This is where Value for Value comes to the rescue. You decide how valuable our stories are for you, in terms of entertainment, enjoyment, or simply killing some time or maybe just appreciating the artwork. You decide and then support us.

The links below are for our Patreon and PayPal accounts. You can sign up for a monthly Patreon subscription, or make a one-time donation via PayPal.

But even if you’re short on funds or simply can’t or won’t support us with these options, spreading the word and subscribing to the newsletter helps too. Link us on social media, post your favorite panels on Instagram. All we ask is that you include our website URL in your post, so people can stop by and check out our stories.

Thank You!


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